How To Get Through The Job Hunting Process
Looking for a new job can be a difficult time. Follow these useful tips to help ease your stress.
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Looking for a new job can be a difficult time. Follow these useful tips to help ease your stress.
Read MoreIn fiction, money is obviously no object. But there are still items in the fictional world that would strain a pocketbook if they were real. Here are some of the most expensive items in the fictional world. The Death Star (Star Wars) The Empire’s moon-sized man-made space station had the ability to destroy an entire …
Read MoreIf you’re an ordinary business owner working hard to make ends meet, chances are you can find good company in the list of the world’s wealthiest individuals. As crazy as it sounds, many of these entrepreneurs started down the road to enormous wealth without enough cash to even buy a house. Here’s how a few …
Read MoreCan you imagine a world without money? Try as you might, it is a futile exercise, considering humans have been using currency in countless forms since the dawn of civilization. Eventually it took the form of coins and paper that we are used to today, but even now, cultures around the world have continued to …
Read MoreMoney makes the world go ‘round, and the people that adorn those countless bills and coins go right around with it. The likenesses of rulers and nobles have been printed on money since ancient times. But even across borders and through thousands of years, one thing about currency has remained constant: a relative lack of …
Read MoreGetting something for nothing is a great deal, but getting something for less than nothing is even more impressive. Here are some of the best deals in fiction that paid off for some quick thinkers. The views expressed by the articles and sites linked in this post do not necessarily reflect the opinions and policies …
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