Cash Central wants to help you get the funds you need when you need them. If you're looking for fast cash, loans with Cash Central deposit funds from your payday loan directly into your checking account. In general, the due date of your loan is tied to your next pay date. When your loan is due, we automatically access your checking account via an authorized electronic withdrawal, or, if you have provided it, the debit card associated with your checking account. For alternative repayment options, please contact us.
A 14-day payday loan of $400.00 has an Annual Percentage Rate of 391.07% and a finance charge of $60.00.
To view additional examples of payday loan fees, select a loan amount and loan duration from the drop-down menus below. Your results will be shown below once you select a loan amount and duration, and click the ‘Submit’ button.
To view a specific payday loan example, select loan amount and duration. Terms will be shown here when you click the 'Submit' button.
This is only for illustrative purposes and provides an example of a typical payday loan we offer to qualified applicants. If approved, the specific rates and terms of your loan agreement will depend on your qualifications.
To find out if you are eligible for a payday loan, fill out a new customer application and you'll be on the road to quick cash. If you have questions about your eligibility for a loan, learn more about payday loans, or contact us at 1-800-460-4305. Once you have been approved, sign in on the customer page and submit your request for a payday loan.
The term of these payday loans is 7-30 days. The system will set your loan due date to coincide with your next payday, unless your next payday is less than 4 days away. If you need a different due date, please call 1-800-460-4305 for assistance. Whenever possible, we suggest making your loan due date on your next payday.
When your loan is due we will automatically withdraw the total amount due from your checking account via an authorized electronic withdrawal or, if you’ve provided it, the debit card associated with your checking account. If you need an alternative method of payment, please call 1-800-460-4305. Please remember that if you cannot repay your loan in full on its due date, you should contact us one banking day before your loan is due. Refinances are not allowed in Kansas.
If you are unable to pay your payday loan in full on your due date, you may be eligible for an Extended Payment Plan (EPP). You may elect to enter an EPP once in a 12-month period. You must request the EPP before the close of business on the last business day BEFORE the due date of your current loan, and you will be required to sign an amendment to your current loan contract that provides you with the terms of the EPP. You may prepay the EPP at any time without penalty. You will not be charged any additional interest or fees for entering the EPP or during the term of the EPP. If you fail to make any of the EPP payments on their due date, we, the lender, can immediately accelerate the payment of the balance that is due on your EPP and take action to collect all amounts due. You may not enter into another payday loan until you have completed the EPP, and your loan balance is paid in full.
For more information on repayment options such as courtesy moves, refinances, and extended or variable payment plans, please contact us at 1-800-460-4305, or visit our FAQ page.
Your online agreement will be governed by the laws and regulations of the state of Kansas. If your authorized ACH debit is returned for any reason you agree to the following:
You are authorizing us to initiate electronic debits to your account in the amount up to, or less than the amount owed, until the amount owed is paid in full. Your authorization shall remain in effect until we have received written notice of its termination. We must also have had a reasonable opportunity to act on this authorization.Your session will expire in . Press the space bar or click CONTINUE to stay signed in, otherwise click LOGOUT or wait to end your session.