
General Information

  • What is the Online Privacy Notice?

    The Company’s Online Privacy Notice is how we let all visitors to our Website—regardless of whether they are a financial service customer—know how we collect and use information about them when they visit our Website.
  • What is the Consumer Privacy Notice?

    The Company’s Consumer Privacy Notice is one way we let our financial service customers know how we collect and use information about them. Our Company is a member of the CCF Family of companies who all adhere to this notice.

    As a result of a federal law effective in 2001, all financial institutions are required to provide a notice to customers, outlining their privacy practices and, depending upon the institution’s privacy practices, offer customers the opportunity to express their preference (opt out) to limit certain information sharing.

  • If I provided my privacy preferences last year, should I do so again this year?

    No. The privacy preferences for the Consumer Privacy Notice that you make with the Company do not expire. Prior opt-out choices remain in effect unless a customer changes them. You may, however, need to provide us with your opt-out preferences again if you change your name or make other significant modifications to the identification information on file with us.
  • How does the Company protect my information?

    We take our responsibility to protect the privacy and confidentiality of customer information very seriously. We maintain physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards to store and secure information about you from unauthorized access, alteration, and destruction.

    For example, our computer systems have password protection, timeouts on terminals, and encryption on certain data transmissions. We employ camera surveillance in sensitive areas, shred sensitive information, and utilize customer authentication protocols before we release information or complete a transaction. In addition, our control policies authorize access to customer information only by individuals who need access to do their work.

  • What does it mean to “opt out”?

    When you “opt out” under our Consumer Privacy Notice, you instruct us not to share certain information about you.
  • If I opt out of information sharing within the CCF family as explained in the Consumer Privacy Notice, will all of your related companies honor this request?

    Yes, all of the CCF affiliates will honor your request. You cannot selectively ask us to exclude your information on a company-by-company basis or product-by-product basis.
  • If I opt out of information sharing within the CCF family pursuant to the Consumer Privacy Notice, what information about me will and will not be shared within your family of companies?

    The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) is the primary law that covers information sharing within the CCF affiliates. The FCRA permits our related companies to share certain types of information, including information about:

    • You
    • Your transactions with any of our related companies
    • The experiences any member of our family of companies may have with you

    Other information that bears on your creditworthiness, personal characteristics, mode of living or the like is covered under the FCRA. If you ask us to limit what information we share within the CCF family according to the procedures set out in the Privacy Notice, we cannot share this “other” information about you from your applications or agreements, from credit reporting agencies, or from other sources. Ordinarily this other information is helpful to us in determining your interest in or eligibility for additional consumer credit, investment, or insurance products offered by our family of companies.

    We will, of course, honor your request to limit sharing non-experience information to determine your eligibility in these situations, but we will continue to share it in certain other situations consistent with the FCRA, such as to service your accounts or to prevent fraud.

  • What choices do I have for opting out of information sharing?

    Please refer to our Consumer Privacy Notice for a detailed explanation of the choices available to you regarding information sharing. The Consumer Privacy Notice will also provide instructions for modifying your choices.
  • What is the advantage to the Company and me in sharing information among your affiliates?

    We share your information among our affiliates because it helps us to provide you with better customer service, convenient access to our services, and a wider range of products. The better we know you, the easier it is to offer you financial products and services that may suit your current lifestyle, as well as provide you with consolidated statements and product prices based on your total customer relationship.

    We also share your information to help us verify your identity and protect you from identity theft or fraud.

  • How could I benefit from information sharing with service providers and financial companies outside of your affiliates?

    We may share information with outside companies that work for us. These may include firms that assist in marketing our products. We may also share information about you with outside financial companies that have joint marketing agreements with us. These arrangements give you the opportunity to receive additional products or services, or help you benefit from pricing reductions for those products and services that interest you.
  • Who are the “CCF affiliates” or “CCF Family of Companies”?

    The CCF affiliates are a network of firms owned by Community Choice Financial®. The CCF family is comprised of affiliated companies that offer financial products and services.

    For example, these products and services could be provided by companies that use the following brands: Buckeye Title Loans, California Check Cashing Stores, Cash Central, Cash 1, Cash & Go, CheckSmart, Check Into Cash, Community Choice Financial®, easymoney, Speedy Cash, Rapid Cash, Avio Credit, First Virginia Financial Services, and U.S. Money Shops.

  • Does your Privacy Notice apply when doing business online?

    Yes, as long as you are a customer doing business with an entity that provides an online product or service. If you are such a customer, our Consumer Privacy Notice will govern all of our interactions with your personal information. For that reason, the CCF Websites include links to our Consumer Privacy Notice which explains how we protect your information when you conduct financial transactions with us. You will also be subject to the Online Privacy Notice..

    If you are not a Company customer (online or retail), our Consumer Privacy Notice does not apply to you. You will, however, still be subject to our Online Privacy Notice. Our Online Privacy Notice explains how we may collect, share, use, and protect information from anyone who visits our Website.

  • What is a “cookie”?

    A cookie is a piece of data given by a web server to a web browser on a computer. The data is handed back to the server on subsequent visits to the website. We may use cookies at login, registration, and elsewhere when you enter customized information such as your ZIP code.

    Cookies may also be present on sites where we advertise. We may set cookies at such points to help us recognize you as a customer and optimize your online experience. Read our Online Privacy Notice to learn more about how we use and collect information.

  • How do I opt out of promotional email messages from the Company?

    Email offers you receive from the Company or on behalf of the Company contain instructions about how to decline further promotional email messages. These instructions are generally located at the bottom of the original email solicitation. If you receive email messages from a third-party sender, you will need to follow the opt-out instructions provided in the third-party email, or you will need to contact the third party directly. Before you provide personal information, we encourage you to read the privacy policies and terms and conditions of the websites you visit to ensure you agree with their policies and email practices.