Sometimes a small dollar payday loan just isn’t enough to cover what you need, and this is where an installment loan might be a good option. Installment loans allow you to borrow a larger amount of money than a payday loan will typically allow and are repaid over a longer period of time. Think in terms of a mortgage or car loan, but on a smaller scale. You receive a dollar amount and then make payments on a regular basis, usually in alignment with your paydays, over time. You can find an installment loan in many retail storefronts, or online through a website like Cash Central. No matter which you choose the process will generally be the same, but with a storefront you usually walk out with cash in hand, while an online installment loan will usually deposit funds directly in your checking account.
An online installment loan with Cash Central is simple, quick, and easy. To apply for a Cash Central installment loan:
To apply for an installment loan online with Cash Central you will need:
Built on trust and accountability, Cash Central has deliberately chosen to only operate in states where laws support the transaction. As such, our installment loans are available in the following states:
Installment loans help cover the cost of unexpected expenses without having to ask friends or family for money. While the fees of an installment loan are higher than most other loans, the cost is often a lot less than the fees incurred from late payments, or overdraft fees from the bank. To see the cost of an installment loan with Cash Central, check out our Rates and Terms page. Typical uses of installment loans include:
With a Cash Central installment loan payments are due either bi-weekly, semi-monthly, or monthly and generally align with your pay schedule. On your due date, your payment will be automatically deducted from your checking account via an authorized electronic withdrawal. However, we understand things don’t always go as planned and there may be times when you are unable to make your scheduled payment on its due date. We’re here to help and we have payment options available. Just give us a call at 1-800-460-4305 to speak with one of our customer service representatives for more information. To ensure we have enough time to accommodate your request, please call us before 6:45 PM EST at least one day before your due date.
Cash Central has been on the forefront of short-term lending integrity since day one. Despite negative publicity that occasionally swarms the payday loan industry, Cash Central takes pride in its lending approach. The choices of where to secure your loan may seem endless but here are a few things to consider as to why we may be the right choice for you:
An installment loan shouldn’t add stress to your situation. That’s why Cash Central strives to make online lending simple.
*When application is submitted by 7:45 PM EST. Customers entering into their first loan with Cash Central may experience a delay in loan funding.
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